Saturday, December 31, 2011

Everette's Home Coming

Everette entered the world a few weeks ago, so I thought I would share some pictures of her birth for family and friends that missed out. A handful of my Florida buddies decided it would be grand to pack up and leave town for ONE MONTH the week I had her. Not nice guys we miss you...come home!!!!! My Mom and James' family have met her and two of my sisters and Dad will meet her in the up coming months.

After some very frustrating Dr. visits I was told that Ever was big and I could have her vaginally but it would probably end in an emergency c-section. I really didn't want to be induced with this pregnancy or have a c-section. I wanted a second opinion so I went to see another Doctor. Problem was I couldn't get the appointment for a week so we waited and waited while my mom was here. By this time I was a week over due and she was measuring 9 lbs. 2 oz according to the ever so accurate ultrasounds!!!!. I knew in my heart that she wasn't this big and I tried EVERYTHING to try and get her out. Let just say I wont be walking around the Sawgrass Mall anytime soon :)

I began worrying like crazy that she was getting to big and to overdue and I had a strong feeling come over me that we should go with a c-section.....Do I regret it.....yes!
When they yelled out Ever's birth weight of 7 lbs. 9oz, tears filled my eyes.....what if I had just waited another week, what if I just let my body do it's thing. 
I really hate intervening with nature.
But when the Dr. told me her cord was tight around her neck twice and it was causing her to not descend naturally into the birth canal and pushing would have ended me up in an emergency c-section, I had a sigh of relief that this was suppose to happen and someone greater was looking out for our growing family.
C-section was not so crummy. I felt nothing except for the catheter they put in BEFORE they numbed me. 
The scar is not bad and you can really barely notice it
I was up and walking the next day and at the park with both girls by day three and we have been shopping, and walked the whole Miami Zoo just yesterday.
Still hurts to cough and I'm still kinda numb.

Everetter entered the world very dramatic 

But she quickly settled down and has pretty much been asleep sense her birth 2 1/2 weeks ago.
Perfect baby with no complications
I did notice that she was tongue tied on day two, she hadn't had a wet diaper all day and thought she may not be nursing well. Her daddy is tongue tied so it was something I was looking out for but probably not something most people wouldn't even notice. She just cant stick out her tongue and it was difficult for her to latch on. We had to give her a bottle in the hospital which I pitifully cried though because I'm a nursing Mama and Ella never once had a bottle. She downed the bottle and has sense had her little tongue clipped, which I also cried through because I was alone while James stayed with Ella. I wasn't expecting them to do it right then and there.

She is nursing great every 3 1/2 hours and sleeps through the night only waking twice to eat.
She is now a hefty 9 lbs. Ella took two months to reach 9lbs.
Everette is an over achiever 

Sisters meeting for the first time is something I will never forget!

Ella has been waiting for this imaginary sister to finally make her debut. She didn't really like to see me in the hospital but warmed up to it . She took her little silky blanket and rubbed it on her sisters face and then proceeded to poke her in the eye and sneeze at the same time. 
*She visited once with Grandma and then came alone with her Papa the next day. After tearing the small room apart she settled down and watched a show with me and read some big sister books and drew pictures for her new sister.
We were release early because I was doing well and walking. 
I was also very eager to get home and cuddle with Ella.

This is how we were greeted at the door.....
DISCLAIMER: She had just been playing in a bucket of water on our porch, she had also just pooped on the porch...(Florida is still very hot this time of year)

Two is way better then One!


  1. Beautiful family!! I love the pictures. Can't wait to meet her in person.

  2. I love this post Jos. I love the picture of you and your two girls and the last one of your growing family. I still can't believe you two little ones... I love them so! I can't wait to come out and visit all of you.

  3. Oh I loved this post. I can't wait to have mine now. :) Ps. I really want to come see her when we get home. What do you think about Wed or Thursday. I think Lydia would love to see Ella too. She keeps saying Ella bye bye.

  4. Oh man Joc... I can NOT wait to squeeze her! Owen keeps asking to go to the park. Can't wait to get back to you guys!
