Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dreams coming true.....

I was the BIGGEST tomboy growing up.
My 8th birthday consisted of 10 boys at the house and every single present I got was a ninja turtle action figure. Except for the one kid that got me a magic 8 ball and a slap bracelet??? Who invited that kid???

By age 10 I would shove all of my very long hair up into a baseball cap, take my shirt off and go outside......yep into the neighborhood and approcah all my friends in the streets on my super cool, blue, hand me down bike. I would say, "whats up, i'm Josh, Joslyn's cousin" Really??? you probably are reconsidering being friends with me now that you know this.

I blew up G.I. Joe guys in the backyard and played street hockey in the court. My bedroom was "Jungle" themed and I had hundreds of micro-machine cars.
Then around age 12 I snappped out of it and loved being a mommy, babysitting and doing normal "girly" things, like writing letters back and forth between friends with smily faces and stickers. I never did get into giving hugs in the hallways of Junior high though. Not sure why we had to hug after every class period? I'm still not a big hugger!
When I had Ella I thought all my dreams were going to come true and I was going to have this little tomboy clone of myself. Things haven't worked out so well for me thus far......
So I love days like this......
When Ella lets her hair down and runs free in nature and we sit and talk about why turtles live in the water and why the grass is itchy.

Oh how I love this little princess tomboy. I wouldn't change her for the world. And It is super fun seeing her get excited when she discovers a new chap stick flavor and playing babies on the floor is one of my best past times.


  1. Oh boy. I remember Josh, he was a crazy kid. Man how time has flown. Ella is the perfect combination of both you and James.

  2. Jadyn was always a princess tomboy too. She has to have her hair perfect now right before she goes to her soccer games and shoves and gets dirty and all of that. They are perfect!
